
Suomen Hyötytuuli receives a grant of 30 000 000 euro for Tahkoluoto offshore wind power demo project

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland has granted 30 000 000 euro for offshore wind power investment in accordance with Finland’s Recovery and Resilience Plan and utilizing the funds available through the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility. The grant given to Tahkoluoto offshore wind power demonstration project will facilitate ramping up offshore wind power business in Finland and alleviates significant risks pertaining to building offshore wind power.

Suomen Hyötytuuli’s demonstration project comprises the construction of two offshore wind turbines off the coast of Tahkoluoto, Pori. The 15-megawatt turbines will be located in deeper water than the earlier 4-megawatt wind turbines constructed in the Finnish sea areas. The project aims to demonstrate a foundation concept suitable for deeper water as well as the underwater construction methods appropriate for Finnish sea areas.

The nominal power of the demonstration project is approx. 30 megawatts and the estimated annual production approx. 109 gigawatt hours. The investment will reduce carbon emissions by roughly 15 400 tons per year and its employment impact is 200–250 man-years.

The Tahkoluoto area is suitable for the demonstration project as there is a vast amount of data already gathered in the area and the project can make use of the analyses and land use plans of the Tahkoluoto Extension project. The demonstration project will be constructed during 2023–2026 before the Tahkoluoto Extension project.

Suomen Hyötytuuli’s Tahkoluoto offshore wind farm, piloted in 2010 and fully operational in 2017, is Finland’s first offshore wind farm and also the world’s first offshore wind farm in frozen sea conditions. The Tahkoluoto Extension project comprises forty over 15-megawatt wind turbines. The estimated completion date of the Extension project is in 2027, and the annual production is expected to be 2000 gigawatt hours.

More information and pictures about Tahkoluoto wind farm:

Information about Tahkoluoto Extension project:

Further information:

CEO Toni Sulameri,

Project Development Manager Juho Lappalainen,, 050 560 7284

Interview requests:  Executive Assistant Tanja Kivi,, 044 764 1432

Suomen Hyötytuuli Oy is a Finnish renewable energy production company and a pioneer in offshore wind power. It is owned by eight city energy companies in Finland. The company has seven wind farms in operation and three under construction. It develops, plans and builds wind farms and operates them through its partner network. The Tahkoluoto Extension project continues Suomen Hyötytuuli’s investments in offshore and onshore wind power. In 2022 Suomen Hyötytuuli invested 445 million euro in onshore wind power.