Zoning and environmental impact assessment processes for Perho’s Kokkoneva wind farm project are due to begin
Suomen Hyötytuuli will present its plans for Kokkoneva on 22 March 2021 at 6:30 p.m. at Perho’s local council meeting. The presentation will be streamed and can be watched at: https://www.nopolanews.fi/nopola-news-air-kanava-1
Suomen Hyötytuuli is planning a wind farm in Kokkoneva, Perho, Central Ostrobothnia. The planned wind farm area is located northeast of the village of Oksakoski, just over three kilometres northwest of the Perho town centre. The total area is approximately 3,000 hectares. The regional land use plan for Central Ostrobothnia designates the area as a wind farm area.
The wind farm planned for the Kokkoneva area will consist of up to 38–45 wind turbines with a height of up to 300 metres and a unit capacity of about 6–10 MW. The estimated total capacity of the wind farm is 270–380 megawatts. According to preliminary plans, the construction of the wind farm will take place in 2025–2026.
At a meeting on 15 March, Perho’s local council decided to start preparing a legally effective component master plan for the Kokkoneva wind farm and to conclude a zoning agreement with Suomen Hyötytuuli. A participation and evaluation plan for the project should be completed later this spring. The suitability of the Kokkoneva area for wind power production will be assessed on the basis of the component master plan and the environmental impact assessment (EIA).
Hyötytuuli is currently building the Alajoki-Peuralinna wind farm near Kokkoneva. A total of 14 turbines will be built in Alajoki, Perho, and in Peuralinna, Kyyjärvi, where groundwork has already begun.