
Suomen Hyötytuuli Oy has purchased Peuralinna wind farm project

Suomen Hyötytuuli Oy has purchased YIT ´s Peuralinna wind farm project in the municipality of Kyyjärvi in Central Finland. Peuralinna wind farm is planned to consist of seven turbines with total capacity of approximately 45 MW. The land use plan and building permits have legal force.

Hyötytuuli has already similar size wind farm project, Alajoki, in the municipality of Perho, close to Kyyjärvi municipality. The land use plan and building permits of seven turbines have legal force.

  • Peruralinna and Alajoki wind farms together offer for our owners a worthwhile investment, efficient building project and good energy production, says Toni Sulameri, Managing Director at Suomen Hyötytuuli.