
Published 09.02.2024

Suomen Hyötytuuli’s stakeholder survey on sustainability

At Suomen Hyötytuuli, we value the views of our stakeholders on the environmental and social impact of our operations. As part of our sustainability work, we have now opened a survey to chart our stakeholders’ expectations regarding environmental and social responsibility and good corporate governance (ESG).

The survey is conducted in collaboration with Greenstep Oy, and all responses will be handled anonymously. The answers and survey results will be treated confidentially. Responding to the survey takes approximately 10-15 minutes. The survey link is open until March 2, 2024.

Stakeholder survey

Suomen Hyötytuuli Oy is a Finnish renewable energy production company and a pioneer in offshore wind power. It is owned by eight city energy companies in Finland. The company has seven wind farms in operation and three under construction. It develops, plans and builds wind farms and operates them through its partner network.