
Building a more sustainable world

As a wind power production company, we at Suomen Hyötytuuli recognize our great role in preventing climate change. We produce clean and renewable energy, and our wind power production generates no emissions to air, water or soil. Responsibility and sustainable development are vital parts of managing the life-cycle of our wind farms and wind turbines. When developing our wind power areas, we are open about our plans and about our wind power projects in construction. We listen to the landowners, local residents and other people in the communities. We work in close collaboration with municipal agents and local media all through the project.


Paula Mäkeläinen

Sustainability Manager

+358 50 405 9940

Preventing climate change

Climate change poses a threat to the environment, to the diversity of nature and to our well-being. Therefore, reducing it is important for all of us. The objective of the EU is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% of the level of 1990 by 2030 and to increase the proportion of renewable energy at least to 27%. The objective of the Carbon Neutral Finland program is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 95% of the level of 1990 by 2050. Finland’s carbon dioxide emissions went down by 69% of the level of 2010 by 2021. The use of wind power increases Finland’s independence from imported fossil fuels and strengthens our country’s self-sufficiency in energy production. Finland’s wind turbines produced 8.1 TWh of electricity in 2021. It corresponds to 10% of total electricity consumption in Finland. The national objective of produced wind power for 2025 is 9 TWh.

Researching the environment is essential to our energy production

We monitor our wind farms 24/7. That is how we gain real-time information which we use for operation and maintenance. We continuously research and observe the environment surrounding our wind farms and asses the local impacts of the wind turbines. For example, we monitor the potential noise caused by WTGs through long-term measurements in various measuring points. We utilize the results both in operating a single wind turbine and in managing the whole life-cycle of a wind farm.

Diversity of nature is important to us

We actively track avifauna in order to nurture biodiversity and to protect endangered and vulnerable species. For example in Tahkoluoto offshore wind farm we have developed a system that uses radar technology and tracks bird population around the wind turbines. Our bird radar can detect small birds up to 4 km distance and large birds up to 10 km. The radar can command individual WTGs to slow down or to stop when necessary.

We are involved in research projects that monitor the impacts of wind power to the surrounding fauna. In addition, we collaborate closely with local residents and agents, such as hunting clubs. We want to communicate that farming, forestry, berry-picking and fishing can continue in the wind farm area just as before. The constructed road network can also be used by anyone in the area.

Sustainable development in wind farm dismantling

We actively monitor our wind turbines to see when they are reaching the end of their operating life. When they need to be dismantled, we carry it out in a safe and efficient way to reduce the negative impacts on traffic and environment as much as possible.

The removed parts of a WTG are recycled and reused according to the principles of sustainable development. After the dismantling we take care of the landscaping as agreed with the landowner.

In the spring 2022 we dismantled three wind turbine generators in the Reposaari wind farm. Their blades were recycled through the KiMuRa project of the Finnish Plastics Industries Federation and reclaimed in manufacturing concrete. Other parts of the WTGs were either used as spare parts for our other WTGs or recycled. Material from dismantled concrete foundations was reclaimed in soil filling, and the steel parts were recycled. Landscaping of the area was executed as agreed with the City of Pori.